Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Brain Anatomy (MRI)

1-The MRI is more sensitive than CT.
2-Sequence of the MRI could be T1 or T2.
3-In T1 the cerebro-spinal fluid is black.
4-In T2 the cerebro-spinal fluid is white.
5-MRI can do axial, coronal and sagittal images.
6-How you can differentiate between CT image and MRI T1 image.
-Both show cerebro-spinal fluid black.
-Look to the bone, it appears black in MRI (non mobile protons)while it appears white in CT.
7-At the level of fourth ventricle, we can see trigeminal nerve as a thin line arising from pons then piercing the skull base to reach the para sellar area (not seen by CT).
8-Value of MRI sagittal view:
Look to the brain from up down.
-Look to the venous sinuses.
-Lobes for anatomical localization of the lesion.
-Corpus callosum.
-Pituitary gland.
-Cranio-cervical junction.
-MRI take slices from left to right in sagittal image.
9-Value of coronal view:
-Used for pituitary gland and its stalk.
-Evaluation of carotid vessels and their branches.
-Take care vessels appeared black due to rapid moving of blood inside it.
-Structures appear black in MRI are
Bones due to non mobile hydrogen protons.
Air due to absence of protons.
Vessels due to rapid moving of blood. 
-MR angiogram without injection of contrast.

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