Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cavernous angioma

-Size: few mm to few cm.
-Sub acute&chronic blood clots.
-NCCT: Focal hyperdense lesion+/- calcification.
 No edema, no mass effect.
-CECT: Mild enhancement.

-D.D.:Oligodendroglioma.Can be differentiated easly by MRI.
*Focal area of mixed signal intensity.
*Hypo intense rim(hemosiderin).
*Enhancement similar to CT.
*Angiography---negative findings.
A lesion hyper intense with inside black foci(pop corn) in T1&T2 with jet black border.
Why it is not a hematoma--- due to pop corn appearance of cavernous angioma.

43-year-old woman with worsening left-sided headaches. Axial T2W images demonstrate typical features of a cavernous angioma with a mixed signal core, complete haemosiderin rim, and blooming susceptibility effect.

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