Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Clinical Application of Diffusion and Perfusion MR Imaging

Individually, diffusion and perfusion imaging provides valuable functional information about ischemic brain parenchyma. Diffusion imaging detects severely ischemic dysfunctional tissue in which the neurons are either actually or imminently irreversibly damaged. It provides a measure of neuronal tissue that is irretrievably infarcted and is not thought to be salvageable with thrombolysis. In contrast, perfusion imaging detects all tissue affected by arterial hypoperfusion, including both irreversibly damaged tissue detected by diffusion-weighted imaging and tissue that is potentially viable if local blood flow is restored.
By combining the two imaging methods, it is possible to detect the ischemic penumbra. The penumbra is an area of viable tissue located around the periphery of infarcted tissue.1 The size of the diffusion abnormality most likely increases if the abnormality detected on perfusion imaging is larger than that on diffusion-weighted imaging.[11] This mismatch between a larger perfusion and smaller diffusion abnormality is thought to reflect the presence of an ischemic penumbra. Such a mismatch is more likely to occur if the proximal artery supplying the affected area is occluded,[20] suggesting that angiographic appearance may also be an important predictor of outcome.
Cellular ischemic changes are thought to occur more slowly in the ischemic penumbra, a reflection of a less severe perfusion deficit at this peripheral site. Combined diffusion-perfusion provides a unique opportunity to visualize and quantify the ischemic penumbra and to identify whether salvageable tissue exists for which thrombolysis would be effective. Thrombolysis aims to restore perfusion to this area before cellular damage becomes irreversible, thereby salvaging tissue.
Practical Considerations
As novel therapies for the treatment of stroke are developed, they will likely be more effective the earlier after the insult they are applied. This factor creates challenges for current medical practice. At present only 4% of patients present to hospitals nationwide within 3 hours of symptom onset.[25] If MR imaging is to be performed in subjects presenting with hyperacute ischemic symptoms, it should be both rapid and widely available to minimize delays in progression to treatment. A recent study indicated that a rapid imaging protocol is feasible in subjects with hyperacute stroke.[27] An average MR imaging time of less than 15 minutes was achieved in 41 subjects, with a sequence protocol comprising T2-weighted turbo gradient- and spin-echo images and echo-planar perfusion and diffusion-weighted images. The mean time from entering the emergency department to beginning MR imaging was 45 minutes. If a rapid hyperacute imaging protocol is to be offered before acute stroke treatment, possible delays related to clinical evaluation, transportation, and MR imaging need to be minimized. Such coordination of effort represents a significant organizational challenge. Furthermore, both image postprocessing and radiological interpretation need to be rapid, if imaging results are to influence patient care.

 Figure 13. By combining MR angiography with diffuse-weighted imaging, both the site of arterial occlusion and distal ischemic damage can be identified. (A) MR angiogram demonstrates that the site of occlusion is the distal M1 segment of the right middle cerebral artery. (B) Diffusion-weighted imaging confirms infarction to the right parietal cortex with (C) an early T2-weighted change.
 It is important that any imaging method offered for hyperacute stroke reliably detect intracerebral hemorrhage and exclude the presence of this treatment contraindication. Previously, CT was thought to be superior to MR imaging in detecting hyperacute hemorrhage. A recent study, however, has confirmed that susceptibility-weighted MR imaging performed with an echo-planar T2* sequence[14] can reliably detect hemorrhage.
Finally, MR angiography might be added to a hyperacute imaging protocol to assess proximal arterial patency (Fig. 13). This concern is likely to be of particular importance if combined intravenous and intra-arterial thrombolysis becomes an approved treatment for subjects with proximal arterial occlusion. In this situation, MR angiography would render important diagnostic information, which would change patient management.
Even further in the future, some of these techniques might also be of use in defining responses to treatment. Where cardiologists rely upon electrocardiography to detect a reocclusion of coronary vessels and to consider the possibility of repeated thrombolysis, imaging may allow such decisions to be made rationally in the future for stroke patients.

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