Saturday, February 11, 2012

D.D.of vascular malformation

1-Here we are interested to differentiate between the following:

-Cryptic AVM.

-Cavernous angioma.

-Venous angioma.

Look to the site of the lesion, in case of cryptic AVM is usually sited in the cortical area while in the others are sited in the deep part of the brain usually temporal-parietal area.
Then look to pattern in different sequences of MRI, all appears hyper intense in T1&T2, but cavernous angioma appears with inside hypo intensity giving rise to pop corn appearance, while cryptic AVM does not give this appearance.
Venous angioma appears as a linear structure with enhancement.

Finally, cryptic AVM is sited cortical with no pop corn appearance, so the internal intensity is formed of two or three hyper intense locules with homogenous pattern and little enhancement. 
While cavernous angioma is deeply sited in the brain in temporal parietal region with characteristic pop corn appearance of its internal and also with little enhancement.
While the venous angioma is a linear enhanced lesion deeply sited.

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