Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gadolinium Bolus Perfusion Imaging

Currently, gadolinium bolus perfusion imaging is the most widely used MR method for detecting perfusion of the brain parenchyma.[30] This technique documents the relative perfusion of different brain areas and has proven particularly sensitive to changes in focal perfusion. Both hypoperfusion resulting from arterial thromboembolism and hyperperfusion from revascularization can be detected, introducing the interesting possibility of this technique being used not only to detect ischemia but also to monitor treatment outcome.
Technique. Perfusion imaging uses the intravenous contrast agent gadolinium to assess tissue perfusion (Fig. 1). Contrast is administered as a rapid bolus into a peripheral vein and arrives at the cerebral capillaries about 20 seconds after injection, the exact time depending both on the patient's cardiac output and cerebral blood flow (CBF). A rapid MR sequence (T2*-weighted gradient-echo echo-planar sequence) is repeated every few seconds as the bolus of contrast passes through the cerebral vasculature, allowing the first-pass effects of the contrast on the parenchyma to be observed.
Gadolinium is commonly used in other forms of MR imaging, but its use in perfusion imaging is unique. Most contrast-enhanced imaging is performed with T1-weighted imaging, using the T1-shortening effects of gadolinium. Perfusion imaging, however, is performed with T2*-weighted imaging. Unlike MR angiography, which detects intravascular contrast, or T1-weighted parenchymal imaging, which documents leakage of contrast from the blood-brain barrier (BBB), perfusion imaging detects the local effects of intravascular contrast on the surrounding tissue. The contrast remains confined to the capillaries, but its paramagnetic effect causes inhomogeneity of the local magnetic field. As a result, signal from tissue immediately surrounding the vessel decreases. Integrity of the BBB is important because leakage of gadolinium into the tissues can prolong this effect. The decrease in signal depends both on the vascular concentration of contrast and the concentration of small vessels within the imaged area.[3]
Perfusion Variables. From the drop in MR signal observed during a contrast perfusion study, it is possible to calculate the changing concentration of gadolinium within a voxel (proportional to 1/T2*). This knowledge can be used to calculate a number of physi ological variables of interest using tracer kinetic theory. The most commonly used variable in gadolinium perfusion imaging is the relative mean cerebral blood volume (rCBV). This value is calculated easily from a graph of gadolinium concentration as a function of time, as the area under the curve. Other variables that can be calculated include the time from injection to peak signal drop (time to peak, TTP) and the time for contrast to pass through a voxel (relative mean transit time, rMTT).[3] These nonquantative variables cannot provide absolute measures of blood flow, like xenon or perfusion CT. A separate measure of blood velocity is required to obtain an accurate measurement of CBF. Several techniques have been suggested,[19] but whether the information gained from CBF will be superior to rCBV is uncertain.
Imaging Cerebral Ischemia. Focal hypoperfusion from arterial thrombo embolism decreases both CBV and CBF and increases mean transit time. It remains unclear which of these variables will prove most useful in clinical practice. Early results have suggested that a low rCBV may most accurately predict eventual infarct volume, while infarct growth may be best demonstrated by the difference between low CBF on perfusion imaging and diffusion restriction on diffusion-weighted imaging.[24]

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