Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Other pathology

This include the following:

1-Intra dural lipoma.

-Localized collection of fat connected to the cord which is usually tethered.
-The dura is intact without connection with another lipoma subcutaneously.
-It is intra dural extra medullary lipoma at the conus.
-Common in males.

2-Dermal sinus syndrome.

-Is an epithelial tube extending from the surface of the skin to the spinal canal.
-This tract could be stopped at any level at the skin, muscles, epidural and intra dural spaces .
-It could be infected leading to meningitis.

3-Split notochord syndrome(neuro-enteric cyst).

- Persistent connection between the gut and the skin of the back.
-This connection is passing through spinal canal with an opening on the surface of the skin and from the other side is a cyst. 
-Most common site is the thorax with presence of mesenteric neuro-enteric cyst.
-Associated with vertebral anomalies.
-Commonly affect the small bowel.

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