Monday, February 6, 2012

Disorders of neuronal migration

1-By the seventh week gestational age, mitotic activity in the sub ependymal layer of the ventricular wall starts and cells begin to migrate along the redial fibers to form the cerebral cortex.

2-If this migration stops at any phase, this will leads to migrational disorders.

3-Actually the causes occur during the first two trimesters will lead to migrational anomalies.

4-Causes are

5-Clinically the patient suffers from
-Seizures(most important).
-Developmental delay.
-Mental retardation.

6-Types of disorders of cortical formation:
Three types
-Proliferation disorders as Hemi megalencephaly,  cortical dysplasia or neoplastic as Ganglioglioma and DNET tumor.
-Migrational disorders during movement.
-Organisation disorders where the cells reaching the cortex but there is abnormal organisation of the cells.

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