Monday, February 6, 2012

Dysembryoblastic Epithelial Tumors DNET

1-Most of cases are located in the temporal region.
2-No calcium, no edema and no enhancement.
3-Lobulated outline and remolding of the overlying calvarium.
4-Low in T1 and High in T2.
5-Can be differentiated from infarction easly.

Axial T1-WI (Figure 1) demonstrates a well-defined, cortical based intraxial mass in the right temporal lobe which is hypointense to brain parenchyma. The mass is hyperintense on T2-WI (Figure 2). No surrounding edema is seen. The right temporal horn is seen normally. No enhancement is detected on post-gadolinium T1-WI (Figure 3). Scalloping of the adjacent skull is noted with the lesion “pointing” towards the ventricle (Figure 3).

Diagnosis: Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor (DNET)

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