Monday, February 13, 2012

Hemorrhagic infarction

1-This an infarction are with hemorrhage inside it.
2-Causes:There are two causes
-Venous thrombosis leading to engorgement of capillaries as blood is still coming from arteries leading to rupture of capillaries and hemorrhage inside the infarction.
-Arterial embolism leading to obstruction of the artery followed by body reaction to dissolve this thrombus leading to rapid flow of blood in capillaries resulting in rupture of these capillaries and resultant hemorrhage inside the infarction.
-Appears as an area of infarction containing area or more of hemorrhage.
-This appearance is different than that of a brain hemorrhage surrounded by edema as the former is a big area of hypo density with small area of hyper density inside it, while the latter is a big are of hyper density surrounded by small area of edema.

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