Saturday, February 4, 2012

Normal pressure hydrocephalus

How to differentiate between brain atrophy, hydrocephalus and normal pressure hydrocephalus.

1-In case of brain atrophy, there will be ventricular dilatation with prominent cortical sulci.

2-In case of hydrocephalus, there will be ventricular dilatation with cortical sulci effacement.

3-While in case of normal pressure hydrocephalus, there is ventricular dilatation with normal cortical sulci.

4-Clinical classic triad for normal pressure hydrocephalus is recent onset of gait ataxia, dementia and urinary incontinence with remote history of infection or hemorrhage is present in 50% of cases.

5-Similar to communicating hydrocephalus in 
-Enlarged ventricles with normal sulci.
-Per ventricular edema may be seen on CT or MRI.
-Increased flow void in aqueduct.

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