Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bone marrow degenerative changes and MRI

1-This could be evaluated only by MRI.
2-Can be classified into the following:

-Type 1: 
Here the bone marrow is involved by edema so it will appears in T1 as low intensity while in T2 it will appears as hyper intense structure.

-Type 2:
 Here the bone marrow is suffering from fatty degeneration so it will appear as hyper intense in T1 and hypo intense in T2 as fat signal.

-Type 3: 
Here the bone marrow appears hypo intense in both T1&T2 due to bone sclerosis.

Image A is T1 where the bone marrow of the vertebra is hypo intense while in image B T2 is hyper intense suggesting it is type 1 bone marrow changes due to edema.

Type 2 bone marrow changes where T1 is hyper intense bone marrow while T2 shows iso intense or hyper intense bone marrow  due to fatty infiltration.

Both T1 & T2 show hypo intense bone marrow due to bone sclerosis.

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